Monday, May 10, 2010

Videnskab er cool... e

I disse for mig celle-vævsbiologiske tider er jeg faldet over nogle mere eller mindre sjove forsøg på at formidle videnskab til lægfolk.

Fx: The 1971 Stanford University Protein Synthesis/Translation Dance, hvor Nobelprisnørden Paul Berg starter ud med:

"Only rarely is there an opportunity to participate in a molecular happening. You're going to have that opportunity for this films attempts to portray symbollically, yet in a dynamic and joyful way, one of Nature's fundamental processes: the linking of amino acids to form a protein"

Oxidate It Or Love IT: Heppedihephop om cellens energiproduktion:

1 comment:

Christian said...

Yir - vi'enskab på gadeplan. Word up